
Vasiliu Doru

Suceava, Romania
"Ceea ce nu trăim la timp , nu mai trăim niciodată." Octavian Paler
Followers: 213 Models: 85

Adi DRPAX Pandzic

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ph.D. Mechanical engineer, product designer and 3D printing expert
Followers: 3119 Models: 139

rusan claudiu

Bistrita, Romania
Followers: 265 Models: 51

Karajko CAD

Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 2651 Models: 831

Enes Hodzic

Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 898 Models: 111

Badulescu Stefan

Less is more
Followers: 318 Models: 18

Borobeica Mihai

Mechanical Engineer with over 10 years of experience in product design and manufacturing processes.
Followers: 0 Models: 2

ASE Design

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero !
Followers: 111 Models: 18

Ciprian Dragne

FEA, Durability, NVH, Crash, Robotics
Followers: 119 Models: 119

Dragos Ionescu

Brasov, Romania
I do my best to leave something good in this world for the others. If anybody disagrees with what I'm doing for free, then that person is free to do things as desired and share the work with everybody else, just like I do, for free... and freedom.
Followers: 710 Models: 703

Kenan Klisura

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Entwicklungsingenieur mit viel Erfahrung.
Followers: 5 Models: 9

Esmir Durakovic

Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
''A bad system can destroy good people.'' Gary M.
Followers: 491 Models: 119