
Vlad Syrkin

Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. ... build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete
Followers: 404 Models: 114

Maxim Ulianov

Russian Federation
Followers: 7 Models: 11

Anton Mukhin

Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Work in IT; Hobbyist in 3D-printing, Electronics, Aerial RC, CNC.
Followers: 3 Models: 12

Vitaliy Emelyanov

Russian Federation
Followers: 5 Models: 13

Saha saha

Russian Federation
Followers: 2 Models: 1

Steven Hawking

Fuck yeah issis cunt eat me, Algeria
Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! One for the master, One for the dame, And o
Followers: 4 Models: 1

zarrit rida

Followers: 1 Models: 0

fouad seeker

Followers: 1 Models: 0

Евгений Тимофеев

Russian Federation
Followers: 1 Models: 1

Илья Лямин

Russian Federation
Followers: 0 Models: 1

Sergej N

Russian Federation
Followers: 0 Models: 0

Boris Nikolaevich

Russian Federation
Followers: 0 Models: 0