
Ronald Marca

Valparaiso, Chile
Mechatronic Engineer
Followers: 0 Models: 1

Joakin Ugalde

Santiago, Chile
Mechanical engineer, maker, currently working at the Fablab of the Universidad de Chile.
Followers: 46 Models: 33

Matias Oliver Flores Paz

Robótica y Mecatrónica
Followers: 2 Models: 2

Carlos Lauterbach

santiago, Chile
Followers: 0 Models: 2

Christian Compagnon

Followers: 0 Models: 0

jorge vera

santiago, Chile
Followers: 6 Models: 4

Andrés Astudillo

Santiago, Chile
Mechanical Engineer
Followers: 2 Models: 6

juan cristobal zagal

Santiago, Chile
Followers: 22 Models: 4

Luis Eduardo Leyton Rodriguez

Antofagasta, Chile
La única barrera es tu falta de imaginación.
Followers: 16 Models: 11

Ricardo Gutierrez

Concepcion, Chile
Mechanical Engineer
Followers: 9 Models: 5

Freddy Traipe

santiago, Chile
desarrollador dispositivos de asistencia para necesidades especiales de personas con discapacidad
Followers: 10 Models: 21

Luis Castillo

Santiago de Chile, Chile
Followers: 2 Models: 8