
Volodymyr Derevianchuk

Lutsk, Ukraine
Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes
Followers: 1238 Models: 100

Jorge Luis Santos Pintado

Lima , Peru
Ser mas para servir mejor
Followers: 64 Models: 50

Nick Golodnoff

Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler
Followers: 1459 Models: 269

Sergei Kravets

Dnipro, Ukraine
Кравець Сергій
Followers: 109 Models: 70

Taras S

Слава Україні!
Followers: 218 Models: 27


Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
To make the world more beautiful
Followers: 167 Models: 141


Kharkov, Ukraine
Followers: 37 Models: 22

Aleksandr Yeredenko

Kiev, Ukraine
Followers: 30 Models: 44

Luis Fernando Gonzales Humire

Moquegua - Ilo, Peru
Donde quisieras, quiero estar ahí para ti
Followers: 47 Models: 14

Alejandro Rdz

Followers: 22 Models: 3

Schaddai Riveros

Followers: 13 Models: 2

Maksym Marusych

Kiev, Ukraine
Followers: 1 Models: 5