
Adi DRPAX Pandzic

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ph.D. Mechanical engineer, product designer and 3D printing expert
Followers: 3116 Models: 139

Enes Hodzic

Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 898 Models: 111

ASE Design

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero !
Followers: 111 Models: 18

Esmir Durakovic

Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
''A bad system can destroy good people.'' Gary M.
Followers: 491 Models: 119

Dalibor Savanović

Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Welding Technologist - IWT
Followers: 70 Models: 38

CAD Engineering

Bosnia and Herzegovina
At the end of 2015 we founded the CAD Engineering team with the aim of offering its clients an efficient and complete service, as well as overall project management and expert support throughout the
Followers: 303 Models: 13

Mario Kovac

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 72 Models: 9

Mirzet Kameric

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 26 Models: 11

Edin Ibrahimovic

Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 7 Models: 6

Stefan Praštalo

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 36 Models: 48

Slavisa Todorovic

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 48 Models: 12

Adis Ibrisimovic

Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 19 Models: 93