
Vasiliu Doru

Suceava, Romania
"Ceea ce nu trăim la timp , nu mai trăim niciodată." Octavian Paler
Followers: 230 Models: 93

David McCormack

Navan, Ireland
Engineering Student, Electronic, CAD CAM and Additive Manufacturing.
Followers: 9 Models: 9

Hector Rojas

Followers: 26 Models: 10

Angel Velasquez

Caracas, Venezuela
Followers: 9 Models: 31

Andrei Toma

iasi, Romania
Interior architect - moved to software development and hardware development
Followers: 8 Models: 5

Catalin Butmalai

Followers: 1 Models: 1

Coman Florin-Daniel

bacau, Romania
Followers: 28 Models: 31

Maier Daniel

Followers: 10 Models: 16

Krisztian K.

Dublin, Ireland
Followers: 5 Models: 56

Project ROTO

Puconci, Slovenia
ROTO international company for the manufacture of plastic products
Followers: 26 Models: 32

Jože Obrstar

Followers: 12 Models: 9

vincent O'Regan

Followers: 13 Models: 5