Bicycle frame hexa mesh problem (Ansys Workbench 19.2)
I need help with meshing bicycle frame using Ansys Workbech 19.2. I sliced frame to few pieces and form new part to find sweepalbe bodies. Rest of them I wanted to mesh using Hexa dominant setting but it doesn't work. Is it possible to generate hexa mesh in this case?
Figure 1: Sliced frame
Figure 2: Sweepable bodies
Figure 3: Automatic setting mesh
2 Answers
I think there was an issue with small surfaces so I changed geometry a little bit. I set body sizing also and now it works well ( Fig 1 and Fig 2) but I'm afraid I have to improve geometry more because of hot spot which is very close to boundary condition (Fig 3). I think it's due to sharp edges there.
Any advice? :)
Edit: Fig 4 The smalles finite element in this zone