GrabCAD Philippines - GCPH

Created by Riolito Paildelan on 29 March, 2018

Hi there! 👋👋👋

We're glad that you’ve joined the GrabCAD Philippines Community! 😊

Wouldn't it be awesome if we get to know each and everyone a little bit better?

So this is the topic where you can share more about yourselves. Some questions that may help you begin.

  • Your name (and nickname maybe?)
  • Where are you from?
  • What brings you to GrabCAD? / How did you discover GrabCAD?
  • Are you a student? Which school are you studying at? / An alumni? Where'd you graduated from? Have you just self studied CAD?

Which website(s) did you learn it from?

  • Who / What do you aspire to become?
  • Got anything you wanted to share that may spark interest to the group?
  • Do you have any expectations from this group?

Not required but something to stir things a little.

  • Why do you think that there should be an online library of CAD models that are readily available for quick downloads.
  • Why is design important to you?
  • Beyond wealth and luxury and external things, why do you think you exist?

Welcome from the GrabCAD Philippines Community!

We hope to hear from you a lot.

PS: Please don't forget to leave a reaction (see react button +😊) so we'd know that you were able to read or simply came across our posts so we'd know how many of the current members are able to be active every once in a while and also just to test the accuracy of the views counter at the right portion of the screen.