Hi there! 👋👋👋
We're glad that you’ve joined the GrabCAD Philippines Community! 😊
Wouldn't it be awesome if we get to know each and everyone a little bit better?
So this is the topic where you can share more about yourselves. Some questions that may help you begin.
Which website(s) did you learn it from?
Not required but something to stir things a little.
Welcome from the GrabCAD Philippines Community!
We hope to hear from you a lot.
PS: Please don't forget to leave a reaction (see react button +😊) so we'd know that you were able to read or simply came across our posts so we'd know how many of the current members are able to be active every once in a while and also just to test the accuracy of the views counter at the right portion of the screen.
To start-off, I, the group admin will be introducing myself :)
My name is Rio. Has great interest to design and exploring. Being able to witness clever designs that is seen through the internet and having opportunities to design things for personal/for people and even showcase them in a community that also have if not almost the same interest makes me more inspired and more engaged in the field. Aspires also on one day also creating or contributing to a game changer, a positive change for the world. Have been exploring individually to gather some knowledge on how some things work with a goal of expanding skills and understanding. Will be forever a student to learn more and explore possibilities.
Have worked for several companies and started my own thing after leaving my most recent employer. Have been working on certain projects involving 3-D& 2-D designs for various people and business.
I'm very pleased to meet you all here.
I hope we can make good relations and create positive things along the way as this group progresses.
I've discovered grabcad when I was still in college because I was left out from my batchmates (had a failing remark on one of our majors). Tried to explore online, looked for ways to learn in a faster phase than them to cope up.
I can't emphasize much. Anyway, I'm a prolific inventor with ideas I preferably realize in virtual 3D CAD models than in costly actual prototypes.
Not required but something to stir things a little.
I think it is very nice so that i do not need to draw standard parts/model use in the engineering field.
Hi ALL - thank you for inviting me to your group !!!
My name is Harry and I'm a UK national living now in the Philippines with my Filipino wife Erika.
I moved here for health reasons, semi retired now, but I have over 30 years of experience in the design of new products and systems from all around the world where I have lived and worked.
I am an electronics engineer by training, but have learnt CAD, mechanical design, and how to mill, lathe, and form all sorts of materials for all sorts of purposes.
I extensively use 3D CAD for my work and personal life as I think only in 3D.
I am an inventor and have setup and run a number of companies doing bespoke development of all kinds of products from simple home devices to mission critical defence and air traffic systems.
My play time is re-designing things in a more efficient manner. I love to buy gadgets, take them apart, redesign them and even sometimes use them!!!
I have used GrabCAD to get basic forms of things I need to include in my designs (gears, connectors etc), and I decided to start sharing my stuff for two reasons; 1) to give back to the community, 2) there was a lack of Rhino models and having used it since version 0.BETA and think its the best 3D design tool around!
I'm happy to share stuff with you - I will try to make sure there isn't anything copyright or otherwise protected or restricted in the military sense.
Maybe there could be some sort of collaborative project we can all share in??? design each part and bring it all together - especially if it does something cool like fly or make new parts !!!
Just a thought Harry
Hi all! My name is Jun and I'm from Pasig City. I love to design and build and nothing beats the joy you feel when something you designed come to life, right? I came to know GrabCAD when I was looking for standard parts and components so I won't have to re-create. Sometimes if your on a deadline you'll need some shortcuts. :-) I've used some of the models here in GrabCAD in my work and I am truly grateful!
I am a mechanical engineer and self-employed in the business of designing and building machines and equipment for various applications and industries. I'm into 3D CAD particularly Solidworks although I am also familiar with Inventor and Solidedge.
Expectations? Well, there are a lot of brilliant engineers and designers here in the Philippines and how I wish we could invent or build something that we can call our own as Filipinos or say we manufacture something that we can be known for. The fact is we are always the end-users...
I agree with Harry maybe we can collaborate on something...
hi! im hannah, from batangas. I discovered grabcad when im finding some parts or design for our project. Actually, i'm still a college student (Mechatronics Engineering). Im not actually good in designing but when I learned Solidworks, i found it exciting and interesting. And im willing to learn new things about cad.
My expectation is that Im hoping that I can learn more to all of you. Thanks 😊😊
Mario Here from Laspinas. Joined grabcad 7 years ago...i joined to learn, share and acquire some in the process. I shared lots and have not found some appropriate items to acquire. I was dissapointed with some of the original members. Hoping this sub-group is somehow different and more receptive.
hello @Mario Ramos. I completely understand. Sorry to hear that. I think the reason is because your models are usually based on dwg. I can easily tell that you have quite mastered the 3-D capabilities of Autocad and I am very impressed because I used to create my models in AutodeskAutocad and I am fully aware of how strenuous the 3-D tools of the said software which requires quite an understanding to be able to produce the designs as per what the user prefers. I am also aware that you already know how to export the Autocad models since I once saw a comment of yours regarding that topic on one of your projects. But I would still like to remind that you still have to upload at least a STEP version of your designs on each of your projects so that the other users would be able to appreciate it more because I think quite a number from the whole grabcad community still does not know how to convert models for them to be able to incorporate it to their desired designs. Plus, dwg versions usually does not load on the real time 3-D viewer of the grabcad platform (as of the present time). That feature is used by a lot of users when they need to get a quick dimension check or if they want to take a look at the section view or exploded view of the uploaded models so it will be very useful if your model does load on the grabcad 3-D viewer. It is not your fault. But we have to adjust since we do not have control of the whole community.
With regards to the part where you can't find what you are looking for on the 3-D library, the website used to have a "request" feature but I think it is no longer available. Maybe we can do the request/inquiry of the models availability here in this group or even the other groups. I'm not sure but it's a probability.
Thank you and have a great week. :)
Hi My Name is Kimberly Inoc you can call me Kim for short, I am from Cebu City. When I try to explore the Fusion 360 i found this GrabCAD so i try to register and join the community. I also have the chance to get some ideas in this site. I am an alumni at Cebu State College of Science and Technology Main Campus (Cebu City). I am not that Good in 3D modeling, still on my exploration level, but I am good on using AutoCAD 2D design especially house plans. I am expecting a very good group that will help some of the members and inspire to do more. I dont want some members who will discriminate others because one of us is unique.
Thank you all and nice meeting you guys... :)
Hi, i'm niocs, from Ilocos Norte but working in Manila. I've been in using 2d and 3d CAD for years.
I discovered grabcadwhen I was abroad, since then regularly visit grabdcad to see new ideas, and works
of other people in the world. I'm a Mechanical Engineer, interested mostly in anything powerful and mechanical.
Cheers to the group.
I'm John Paulo Austria, from Philippines, I am a Jewelry CAD Designer.
I have 4 years of experience in 3D modeling, Rendering,Product design, Photo editing and enhancing, and Graphic Design.
Goodluck to us and God bless :)
Hi everyone! Thanks for inviting me to join this group.
I'm Gilbert Dominguez,but I prefer to be called Bert. I'm from Marinduque Philippines but Im currently working in a manufacturing company engaged in precision toolings and sheet metal fabrication here in Bulacan as an Engineering Staff.I discovered Grabcad because my Supervisor told me so,and i find it great.
I graduated in high school year 2016 at the Sisters of Mary School-Adlas,Inc. where I learned a lot about 2D drawings & 3D modeling and mostly thru the use of Autodesk Software like Autocad,Revit Architecture and a little bit of Inventor.
Good day everyone! Thank you for inviting me to this group.
I am Petronillo D. Peligro, a Mechanical Engineer who loves to explore the engineering design world. I learn about grabcad from the website quora, when I research about the equivalent site of github that are for engineering designs. I love sharing my designs, as well as observing other engineer's design.
Hi, Im Christian, from Rosario Cavite Philippines, I also discovered grabcad when im looking for some parts or design on our latest project, im not an engineer, im only working as a Cad operator here in Cavite, I love design and drawing,Im expecting that i can learn more from this group in design and in drawing
Thank you and nice in meeting you here.
Hi Sir,
My name is Chris an avid cad user for about a decade now. I am new here in Grab Cad and I really want to share my works for reference by future generation users.
I am a graduate of Industrial Engg. @ PUP Sta. Mesa, I reside at Malabon City and have had several working experiences. I am a passionate as a mechanical designer which give emphasis at my works. And I would like to share some more of my projects in the near future.
This grab cad makes design easy and we should be learn how to share our works, Especially with the future users that can help the young designer and to serve as continuity for the coming generations of Cad users.
O.K that' the buzzer......Im' out.
When i joined this group i wander if there's someone who grew where exactly the place i grew,and there you are brother,Welcome to the group!
Hello GrabCAD PH,
When I came to know grabCAD and it's community I told my self that I found a gold mine for 3D models, and that's true. I found some good designs and techniques here that help me to design and model some of my works today. I'm not posting alot of my work here because of confidentiality and to protect our client as well.
Good to know that this group of Filipino engineers and designers come to one and I'm very happy to be part of this group. I hope that this group will grow more with regards to members and knowledge sharing.
Kudos to everyone.
Hi, I'm Darren From Philippines.
I Discover GrabCAD Because i need some CAD blocks.
I'm a Draftsman , and I like to Become Professional CAD Designer or BIM Designer.
My expectation "Respect in Everyone " and to develop and enhance my skills as a Draftsman.
Designing is my hobbies, inspiration and motivation in my work and etc.
Thank you for accepting me.
hello there! I am Cyrhuz from cavite, I am Student, to be specific , a fifth year MECHANICAL ENGINEERING from TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES- MANILA. what brought me here? well I love Designing especially in using SOLIDWORKS and fusion 360.thats why i just explore in the internet. and boom.thats why i arrived in this websit. I want to explore more and and enhance my DESIGNING skill.My Task in our thesis ( PROJECT STUDY) is that i am the designer of the machine. Godbless to all!
Hello. Thank you for accepting in this group.
I am Aristar Asuncion. You can call me Aris.
I'm from Baguio City.
I've been a long time member of GRABCAD for several years now. The reason why I frequent this site is because I like to peruse the very extensive library and also get to share ideas with fellow CAD enthusiasts like yours truly.
I joined the GrabCAD Philippines Community because I want to meet my "kababayans" who are also members.
For now, I have nothing to share to the group. Sorry.
Like everyone here, I expect a healthy, and respectful interaction with our co-members. (and maybe collaboration on a group project for fun) We'll see. Thanks for having me.
Cheers everyone :)
Hi there! I'm Guillermo Guantero, but you can call me Gemmo for short. Thanks for inviting me to this group. I'm expecting to discover great ideas from this group.
Here's my introductory list;
My build for FMB China 2018; https://www.facebook.com/TeamMetabainoTech/posts/198890907359115
Please take a look and like my FB page
Not required but something to stir things a little.
Thanks and God bless you all :)
Never knew we had battlebot enthusiast, practitioner here in the group. Please do not hesitate to share your battlebot endeavors with us @Gemmo
Hopefully this sparks a potential collaboration with users with mutual interest.
I'm Lady Lee
Hello, Philip here. You can call me Lep for short, :D from manila. Newly graduated in the field of Industrial design. I love to explore more about 3D modeling which i think would be more helpful joining this group. I enjoyed creating 2D & 3D plans/models using AutoCAD at first. Into the level of exploration, i challenged myself to learn other kinds of 3D modeling softwares (such as Fusion & which brings my life more excitement, life is full of challenges and we should get used to it. I hope through this group, we can help and inspire each other more in this field.
God bless :)
you can check some of my works here https://www.behance.net/philiparce8c1d
Hi All,
My screen name is Mike. I’m from Batangas region 4a, but I’m residing now in the US. I’m a Mechanical Engineer. I’m working as a Production Engineer here, mostly tooling design and sheet metal forming. I discover grabCAD when I was looking for part for my projects and finding ideas in designing. I love designing and new ideas. I use AutoCAD, Creo 2.0 and CNC programing..
My expectation are new friends and learn new ideas.
Let me know if I can help.
GOD Bless to ALL..
A pleasant day.
I am proudly boholana , a student , a licensed teacher,currently and furtunately assigned at the New Bohol AIrport Construction as a CAD and WOW Coordinator and currently studying my Master oF Arts in Educational Management and actually my degree is Bachelor of Science In Industrial Technology .
I follow this group because this is group of people where I belong in GrabCAD PHILIPPINES since I dont belong to the other country:)
My expectation are new friends and learn new ideas.
A woman passion in designing and of Determination here KRIZZIE :)
Hello everyone!
Am Paul based in Cagayan de oro, with experience in 3d modelling,3d printing, cnc application and engineering design. Currently doing government and private projects as a small contractor specializing in water resources.
Wanna learn concepts and ideas from GRABCAD users.. nice meeting you guys!
Hello !
Ancel Curativo, 21, Dasma, Cavite Philippines.
Studying BS Mechanical Engineering in TUP.
I like doing CAD and CAE works for student projects as a part time job, using mainly Solidworks, Fusion360, Inventor, AutoCAD, OpenSCAD, Catia and ANSYS just to cover my financial needs and my enthusiasm lol.
I'm also experienced in machining, benchwork and welding. 3D printing is one of my favorite hobbies, in fact I made my own self-replicating 3D printer design using Solidworks and currently WIP. Once I made it I will also make a 3D printable CNC Router. :)
Also know how to programming robotics and automation using basic electronics and mechanical components.
Once I graduated I hope I can find a job with skills requirement the same as mine.
That's all. Thanks!
Hi, Good Day!
I am Allen, I am from Sta. Rosa Laguna, I discovered GrabCAD around 2 years ago. I studied at Adamson University with Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I want to become a successful entrepreneur someday building all kinds of things that I like.
I discovered GrabCAD which is very useful in my Job. I work as a Design Engineer in a company that manufactures trucks and buses. I find GrabCAD very useful, same with McMaster (you can also download 3D drawings here from bolts, nuts, hinges and a lot more. The only problem is dimensions here are for USA, yeah Imperial units but still very helpful. Who ever is McMaster you are Genius).
There are a lot of Great Engineers and Inventors in our country, to make things easier for people like us, we need an Online Library like the McMaster. All standard items must be already available.
Design is important because it is a tool for us to improve lives.
I exist to help and build things that will be helpful to Earth.
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