Work experience
development engineer
PIRNAR d.o.o.
January 2016 - January 2018
1. Project OneTouch
A small team of 3 people was given a task to develop a handle for the most
personalized entrance in the world. Our inspiration, of course, was Tesla's
handle which we used, at the initial stage, for reverse engineering.
My task was: from idea to mass production
concept development
endurance and crash test
development of new electronics
execution of all technical drawings for suppliers
providing instructions for handle assembly for production
after sale: quality control conduct
quality assurance with planned measures
constant monitoring of complaints and market response
The handle has a total of 89 elements, some essentials are also shown in the
2. Project Pirnar Profit Package
I got a design input from a designer for 10 promotional items.
My tasks were:
Anticipate technology process
execution of all technical drawings in SOLID WORKS
preparation of programs for the CNC
data base organization or this particular project
creation of concepts
evaluation and updates based on concept
pilot series
preparation of manual production instructions
preparation of user guide for end customers
constant monitoring of complaints and market response
3. Technical support to 3 production phases: preparation of material, door
sash assembly and quality control
To increase productivity and the quality of new and existing projects, I have
been working as a technician to solve innumerable problems of different
production phases. I have also gained knowledge of correct and effective
communication and learned the importance of employee motivation in order
to achieve the goals.
4. Project Threshold
Project on which I have been actively working for a year. Unfortunately, I cannot
give out any details, but I can tell you this: it will blow the competition out of
the water.
P.S. Projects listed are just 4 major projects from many.
Private school of Mechanical Engineering icGEOS
6, Mechanical Engineer
January 2011 - January 2016
VI./1 – HED professional program
Knowledge gained :
technical regulations and product design
quality and reliability of processes
business communication and management
company economics
business economics
toolmaking and maintenance
mechanics (statics, strength of materials, dynamics, kinematics)
machine elements and materials
safety at work and environmental protection
energetics and computer engineering
Virtual Engineering program: CREO MODELER
SOLIDWORKS program (Virtual Engineering)
Srednja šola tehniških strok Šiška
4, Mehatronic
January 2007 - January 2011
Knowledge gained:
mechatronic systems
technological processes
information systems
Practical knowledge at Avtomerkur company (automotive industry).
Active member of extracurricular activities – robotics.
I received a bronze award at the state competition of research projects
entitled „Construction of an electric vehicle“