Can't figure out how to make this feature

I am trying to model a smoke detector from an image. (I have it IRL also so all dimensions are correct) But the "cut out" feature I just can't figure out how to do. Does anyone have any ideas?

I made it in inventor 2016 so I will attach a part file and a step file. And the image.


3 Answers

I don't know Inventor, but it must have similar tools to SOLIDWORKS.
Here is one way to do it (see image).

Another way is making a positive version of the geometry, then subtracting it via a Boolean operation. Getting bodies into a tilted position in SOLIDWORKS can be a pain, so I went with splitting the model faces, deleting them, then patching the hole.

As Ananth and Ibrahim have pointed out, a revolved cut is the easiest option. I was not able to duplicate the same shape with a revolved cut, so I ended up splitting the model face, then deleting those faces before patching the hole.

The method used in the end will depend on how accurately the model needs to match the photo.

It is revolve cut. Make axis away from model and draw sketches to cut out. Later fillet edges

well i am just starting with soildworks >> if u ask me to do tht shape (cut) its like upsite downs bell (half) u can draw that bell sahep and revolve it .. then cut it