CSWP Sample Exam - Slight Mass Difference

So I've been practicing for the CSWP exam and today I tried the sample test. I'm stuck at the first question actually with an insanely weird mass difference of only 0.96 grams; The answer should be 14207.34 grams | what I have on the model is 14206.38 grams.

This will ruin the next questions when I edit the part. I've been wasting HOURS trying to figure out what I got wrong but still and I don't seem to know what it is. At first, the position of the two barrels was slightly shifted and I fixed that. Now everything else is literally the same and I can't move on to the next question to continue practicing.

If someone is able to help please do because this is getting really frustrating I need to know where the difference is it's driving me crazy.

1 Answer

I would suggest asking such questions in the forums that Solidworks provides specifically for this purpose.
