How do i build a vane and blade CAD model of a gas turbine?

I am currently making a model for my Master's dissertation project. I am new with CAD models and I was hoping if anyone has any previous experiences building this model?

Accepted answer

I think I have better solution for this kind of blade/vane CAD model building. Install ANSYS and in that you will find 3 modules for blade generation- Vista CCD (Centrifugal Compressor Design), CPD (Centrifugal Pump Design), TF. These softwares will create full set of blade according to various input parameters like speed, vane angle, number of vanes etc., After generation they can be exported to neutral files. Also analysis can be made to ensure the performance and to even optimize the models.

Hope this helps you.

1 Other answer

What exactly are you trying to do? The blade profiles are taken where exactly; at what section? I work for an engine manufacturer and can tell you, they are all generated from existing profiles, and the twist (pitch) and other parameters are CFD driven. If all you want to do is create a close approximation, then you have a profile and you can import that onto a plane, and build a spline with as few knots as necessary to replicate the profile. Then you will need to sweep that along a pitch, build the forward and aft platforms and you're done. I'm assuming a doublet? Figure out your included angle, min diameter, max diameter and build you section. Then rung up however many you need for an assembly... if that's what you're after.