How to properly integrate motors into an electrically assisted vehicle?

Hello to all,
I'm working on an 8-seater pedal-powered vehicle, with electric assistance, like the one sketched here on the Screenshots (associative project). I was wondering what considerations to take for the integration of motors.
Do you need one per crankset? Or are one or two enough, on the front cranksets? If you have any documentation, I am interested.
1 Answer

The simplest solution normally works the best. I would not use the drive units mounted on the pedal cranks but look at 2 hub mounted drives You could possibly go with 4 powered hubs but unless lots of hills it would be too much. I don't thing you will need or even desire too much speed in a machine such as this. Hub drive units will also most likely be the cheapest way to power machine as well.
Multiple crank drives will be complex to co-ordinate, any gear changing will be difficult to achieve. If you go with crank drives I would only power one crank. Hub drives is probably the only practical way of powering this vehicle.