how to use solidwork model in fusion 360
2 Answers
Click the upload button to open the Upload dialog box, this will give us the option to select the files which you would like to import. use Drag and Drop opinion or you can browse from the file location.
Fusion 360 already supports SolidWorks' files, as well as these:
Autodesk Alias (*.wire)
AutoCAD DWG Files (*.dwg)
Autodesk Fusion 360 Archive Files (*.f3d)
Autodesk Fusion 360 Toolpath Archive Files (*.cam360)
Autodesk Inventor Files (*.ipt, *.iam)
CATIA V5 Files (*.CATProduct, *.CATPart)
DXF Files (*.dxf)
FBX (*.fbx)
IGES (*ige, *iges, *igs)
NX (*prt)
OBJ (*.obj)
Parasolid Binary Files (*.x_b)
Parasolid Text Files (*.x_t)
Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Parametric Files (*.asm, *.prt)
Pro/ENGINEER Granite Files (*.g)
Pro/ENGINEER Neutral Files(*.neu)
Rhino Files (*.3dm)
SAT/SMT Files (*.sab, *.sat, *.smb, *.smt)
SolidWorks Files (*.prt, *.asm, *.sldprt, *.sldasm)
STEP Files (*.ste, *.step, *.stp)
STL Files (*.stl)
SketchUp Files (*.skp)