I create a drawing in catia I close the drawing completely. in the windows tab, Product does not appear. But I want to edit a piece as shown in the image. How can I make these changes to the piece? Christina Martinez 6 Jun, 2018 10:24 PM Catia V5 34685368_613768162342920_8182942756591632384_n3.jpg 2 Answers Ananth Narayan Answered on 7 Jun, 2018 05:27 AM Just be more clear. I don't get you özgür kesebir Answered on 7 Jun, 2018 05:49 AM question is not clear but guess you looking for this. Edit--> Links--> Pointed documents tab--> Open And product will be open if you saved it.
I create a drawing in catia I close the drawing completely. in the windows tab, Product does not appear. But I want to edit a piece as shown in the image. How can I make these changes to the piece? Christina Martinez 6 Jun, 2018 10:24 PM Catia V5 34685368_613768162342920_8182942756591632384_n3.jpg 2 Answers Ananth Narayan Answered on 7 Jun, 2018 05:27 AM Just be more clear. I don't get you özgür kesebir Answered on 7 Jun, 2018 05:49 AM question is not clear but guess you looking for this. Edit--> Links--> Pointed documents tab--> Open And product will be open if you saved it.