Ideas for practicing F.E.A.

I am trying to find the best way to practice the application side of F.E.A. I am currently using a free software (L.I.S.A.). The software comes with free tutorials but I feel like I need more practice to really start understanding F.E.A software.

My current ideas for improving are as follows:

1. Use tutorial books on other F.E.A. software and match my solutions using L.I.S.A against the examples.

2. Solve problems in non F.E.A. textbooks (machine design, strength of materials..etc) using L.I.S.A.

Does anyone have some other recommendations?

2 Answers

Look for "verification" examples. They examples of real life or purely mathematical problems with know answers. The FEA is used to solve the same problems and reach the same answers.
If you choose something like Salome FEA which is very popular, you may be able to join its forums and get plenty of help. GrabCAD is not really geared for FEA yet.

Dear colleague

I can help you. I teach students to use FEA software CATIA FIRST my suggestion.

See my work. I am Mechanical enginner with 8 years practical experience

Best regards