If someone is interested to 3D print any Job with a volume of max 300x300x300 mm, they can send their parts in STL format I have the Raise3D Pro3 Printer capable of printing Indu grade material.straial

material Available are:-
PLA SE White PLA white (Raise 3D), PLA red (Raise 3D), Poly Lite PLA Pro, ePC 3D Transparent, Polymax PC White, ABS + 3D White, ABS Black Polymaker, Polymaker Polylite ABS White, Polymaker Polylite PETG White, Polysmooth

1 Answer

You should join the 3DOS network to let people know you have a waiting printer, you can read more and join here: https://3dos.io/

I think anyone can join, and you might be the only print house in your area (that's good!)