Who prints/mills/produces 3d-file based parts for a reasonable price?

I wonder where i may order 3d-file based parts printed or milled (in europe) for reasonable pricing. I had a look at ponoko, shapeways, materialise which do produce cheap 3d printed parts but are based outside europe, which makes shipping expensive.

Please help me with links or advice on how to find a 3D printing service?
manufacturers (based in europe)?

Follow up on "inquiry quick (bayonet)-lock" (3)
holds a screenshot, brief description and .stl file with the
models i would like to print

any help is highly appreciated!

2 Answers

I think they are still based in the US but check out http://www.protolabs.com

... thanks a lot for the link & your helpful reply!
I will visit their 'site straight after this -
best regards!