2nd tutorial on how to model a wide-chord fan for a turbofan engine in CATIA
Steps 1 thru 15.
Step 1:
1. Create the circle on the yz-plane. Exit sketcher. Be sure to name your sketches, otherwise it's difficult to keep track of everything.
Step 2:
2. Enter sketcher on the yz-plane and create the spline shown. Exit sketcher.
Step 3:
3. Create the following spline on the yz-plane. Exit sketcher.
Step 4:
4. Create the following spline on the zx-plane. Exit sketcher.
Step 5:
5. Create the following spline on the zx-plane. Exit sketcher.
Step 6:
6. Extrude the first spline.
Step 7:
7. Extrude the 2nd spline.
Step 8:
8. and the 3rd...
Step 9:
9. and the 4th... You should end up with a kind-of box.
Step 10:
10. Create an intersection curve as shown.
Step 11:
11. Create another intersection curve.
Step 12:
12. Create the plane as shown.
Step 13:
13. Create 2 intersection points. Click the button shown to add the 2 curves.
Step 14:
14. Enter sketcher on the plane you just made and make the following shape. The two endpoints should be coincident with the two intersection points you just made.
Step 15:
15. Make another plane as shown.