2S Petrol engine case using Catia
This tutorial is about how to model a 2S petrol engine case using Catia V5. This tutorial consists step by step procedure.
Step 1: Creating an engine case
Step 2:
Open Catia V5 and click Start > Mechanical Design > Sketcher.
Step 3:
Create sketch as shown below with given dimensions of 20 X 40 mm by selecting a plane and then click OK.
Step 4:
Exit from the sketcher environment by clicking the exit workbench icon.
Step 5:
Click on the pad option and extrude the selected sketch up to 3.5 mm.
Step 6:
Select the face marked and click Reference elements > Plane.
Create a Datum plane as shown above by entering the offset distance of 3 mm.
Step 7:
Create the sketch as shown below in the newly created DTM1 plane and click OK.
Step 8:
Pad (Extrude) the Circle created in previous step to the depth value of 25.5 mm.
Step 9:
Select the top face of the rectangle and create sketch as shown below with specified dimensions and click OK.
Note: Use references tools in Profile group to make it simple.
Step 10:
Pad the previous created sketch with extrude depth value of 25 mm.
Step 11:
Select the face shown below and create a sketch with specified dimensions and click OK.
Step 12:
Create a pad as shown below with extrude depth of 14 mm.
Step 13:
Create sketch below with specified dimension by selecting the face as selected below.
Step 14:
Pad the sketch created in previous step with depth value of 6 mm.
Step 15:
Create fillets as shown below by selecting the edges with radius of 2 mm and click OK.
Create another fillet on the edge selected before with radius of 1 mm.
Step 16:
Create the sketch as shown below by selecting the mid plane with specified dimensions.
Note: Use Oriented Rectangle at 70 degrees from the axis with 7 X 14 mm dimension (use construction lines to make it simple)
Step 17:
Create a revolve section as shown below with reference the axis and click OK.
Step 18:
Create sketch as shown below with specified dimensions at the selected faces and pad backwards with a depth value of 8 mm.
Step 19:
Pattern the extruded part using Circular pattern taking instances as 4.
Step 20:
Create the sketches as shown below using 3D project options and using dimension constraints and create pad up to selected edges as show in images.
Step 21:
Create fillets with specified dimension r = 4 mm as shown below.
Create fillets at this selected edge with r =1 mm.
Perform fillet as shown below at the selected edges with radius of 3 mm.
Step 22:
Create fillets as shown below with specified dimensions on the selected edges with r =2 mm.
Create fillets r =2.5 mm at the selected edges as shown below.
Step 23:
Create sketch as shown below and pad to a depth value of 9 mm.
Step 24:
Create the sketch on the same face which you created sketch in the previous step with specified dimensions and create a pad with depth value of 1 mm.
Step 25:
Pattern the extruded part using Rectangular pattern taking instances as 4 with a spacing of 3 mm.
Step 26:
Create Edge fillets on the selected edges with a radius of 2 mm.
Step 27:
Create a sketch as shown below with the help of 3D projection.
Step 28:
Create a pad selecting the above sketch up to 9 mm.
Step 29:
Select the above extruded part and pattern it using a Circular pattern.
Step 30:
Create fillets as shown below with r =0.3 mm.
Create another set of fillets at the selected sections as shown below with r =0.5.
Step 31:
Create a plane as shown below.
Step 32:
Create a sketch as shown below with the help of projections. Take the width of Rectangle as 2 mm.
Step 33:
Pad the created sketch in reverse direction with a depth of 12 mm.
Step 34:
Create fillet for the selected edges with a radius of 0.5 mm.
Create fillet for the selected edges with a radius of 1 mm.
Step 35:
Create sketch as shown below with specified dimensions and remove material using pocket option also create circular pattern of the holes.
Step 36:
Create sketch at the selected faces as shown below.
Now using Pocket remove material with a depth of 25 mm.
Step 37:
Create sketch at the selected faces as shown below.
Pad the selected sketch up to 0.25 mm.
Step 38:
Create fillet for the selected edges with a radius of 0.3 mm.
Step 39:
Create a plane at an offset distance of 2 mm as shown below.
Step 40:
Create a sketch as shown below with the help of projections.
Pad the sketch up to 1 mm downwards and pattern the part using rectangular pattern.
Mirror the pattern to the opposite side as shown in the figure.
Step 41:
Create fillets for the extruded parts with r = 0.3 mm.
Step 42:
Create a sketch as shown below.
Using Pocket remove material up to 4 mm.
Step 43:
Create a sketch on the selected face and pocket it using up to last option.
Step 44:
Create a sketch and pocket the face with a dimension up to 20 mm.
Step 45:
Create a sketch as shown below, using pocket remove material up to a depth of 9 mm and pattern that using Circular pattern as shown below.
Step 46:
Create fillets to the patterned holes with a radius of 0.3 mm.
Step 47:
Create a sketch and Pad it up to 14 mm equally on both sides.
Step 48:
Create a sketch as shown below and pocket using up to last.
Step 49:
Create fillets for the selected edges with a radius of 0.3 mm.
Step 50:
Create a sketch as shown below and pocket it up to 15 mm.
Step 51:
Create a sketch as shown below using mirror option and remove material using pocket.
Step 52:
Create a sketch as shown below and pad it up to 7 mm.
Step 53:
Create fillets for the selected edges with a radius of 0.5 mm.
Step 54:
The final component looks like this.