Alternative method to find CAD models
Here's an alternative, more reliable method to search for CAD models on GrabCAD, or any other site for that matter. This method is especially helpful when looking for a specific CAD model or key phrase. It can also be used to quickly find information on forums and other help sites.
Here's an overview of what this tutorial will be covering:
Limit search to specific site: site:<website link>
Require certain words to be included: "must include in this order"
Exclude unwanted results: -unwanted
Step 1: Problems when using GrabCAD's search engine
If you search for "4-40 screw" in GrabCAD's search engine you'll come up with these results...
There isn't a single 4-40 screw in the search results until the 12th model down in the list.
Step 2: Search GrabCAD using browser instead
In you browser's search engine, type in the key words of the model you're looking for, in this case a 4-40 screw.
Now just looking up 4-40 screw in google is too generic and you'll end up with thousands of useless results, so limit the search to GrabCAD's site only by adding
- site: <website>
In this case you'd use
Doing just this step will usually be good enough to quickly find what you need.
Step 3: Limit search by using " "
Since google is searching for sites with either 4-40 or screw results, you will find some screw models that are not 4-40s and some 4-40 models that are not screws. To refine the search to always include 4-40 in the results, use "4-40" in quotation marks.
Anything put inside quotation marks is required to be included in the search results, in the exact order you typed it.
Other possibilities to search for would be:
- This search would have the best results since it requires both 4-40 and screw to be included in the final search results.
- This search possibility is not recommended unless that is the EXACT name you are looking for. GrabCAD models with titles like " 4-40 and 6-32 screw collection" would not be included in the results using this search criteria.
Step 4: Remove unwanted possibilities
In some cases you might want a model that uses 4-40 but is not a screw. In that case, by putting a minus sign in front of the word screw, results including the word screw are now excluded
Step 5: Enjoy your newly found models!
And here is the top 4 results when you use a browser search!
Happy hunting!!!