ANSYS workbench interface CREO

Tutorial objective outcomes:
-develop skill in ANSYS workbench FEA
-determine MAX stress location
-define loads
-define constraints

Background: FEA analysis on BAJA frame design. The Baja frame is model in CREO and surface sweeps. The frame surface is assigned a thickness in ANSYS workbench.

Pre-requite- ANSYS product/CAD configuration installed.

This tutorial is based on

  1. Step 1: ANSYS workbench interface

    Situation: At this point your CAD model is complete, ANSYS Workbench CAD configuration is installed. 

    Tutorial is based on this video:

  2. Step 2: Named Selection

    if you would like to reference this surface during the FEA process, otherwise skip to step 3.

    step 2.1: open the "Name Selection" window

    step 2.2: click "create"

    step 2.3: click and highlight the reference surface

    step 2.4: In the Name input dialog window, enter a surface name EX. "NS_towbar"

  3. Step 3: Open Ansys workbench

    Click on the ANSYS icon named "Workbench" (in the upper left corner)

  4. Step 4: ANSYS interface

    ANSYS will open

  5. Step 5: Check Named Selection in ANSYS

    If you used the name selection feature (in step 2), check the box in row 19 in ANSYS, otherwise skip to step 7.

  6. Step 6: Bonus:

    If you have defined parameters, watch the video from 3:28 to 4:05

    (this will allow very easy and fast parametric calculation known as “What if study” refer to video 6:55 to 8:45.

  7. Step 7: Static Structural

    From the Toolbox, select and drag the "Static Structural" to the Project Schmetic "Geometry" with the Creo icon.

  8. Step 8: Open model

    `In Static Structural double click “model”

  9. Step 9: Static Structual- Mechanical

    A new window will open “Static Structural -Mechanical”

  10. Step 10: defining surface to solid

    my model contains surfaces, I will define each surface with a thickness (skip this if your model is already a solid model).

    In Outline>Project>Model>Geometry>*Model Name*> select all> (under Details) enter value for thickness>

  11. Step 11: Starting FEA

    Select “Static Structural”> define support

    Select “Static Structural”> loads

  12. Step 12: Defining support

    Support can be defined using “geometry selection” or “Named Selection” (this is where the early named selection comes into play)

    By name selection: in named selection,> selection previously define> then continue on and define next support or load

    By geometry selection: selection feature then apply

  13. Step 13: Apply forces

    Apply forces (similar steps as support).

    Select load > Selection geometry> define by “Components” > user definition

  14. Step 14: Calculate for Von Mises stress and max deformation

    Next determining which parameters to solve.

    Select “Solution”> “Deformation”> “total”

    Select “Stress”> “Equivalent (von mises)”

  15. Step 15: Check Parameters

    check parameters for Maximum under results for both “Equivalen Elastic Strain” and “Total Deformation”

  16. Step 16: Begin solving FEA

    click “solve”. Mesh Status will pop-up.

  17. Step 17: Animation of Result

    toggle between “total deformation” and “Equivalent Elastic Strain” and animation for visuals.

  18. Step 18: Check out Result bar

    use Result window bar to locate maximum and other features.

  19. Step 19: Parameter Set

    Back to ANSYS WorkBench select “Parameter Set”

  20. Step 20: Numerical value FEA

    From step 15, we activated the parameters for Maximum displacement and Stress in this window we can see the numeric values.
