bicycle frame analysis in ansys
Step 1:
connect other points to each other like this table.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
After doing like this picture you have to follow this path to turn on key point number this is vital for subsequent step.
Utility Menu >> PlotCtrls >> Numbering >> Kp Keypoints
than turn on numbering after that follow this path
Utility Menu >> Plot >> keypoints >> keypoints -
Step 5:
utility menu >> solution >> define loads >> apply >> structural >> displacement >> on keypoints
1- choose 5,6 and choose apply
2-DOFs to be constrained choose UY,UZ
3- displacement value = 0
4- choose 1
5- DOFs to be constrained choose UY, UZ , UX -
Step 6:
1-choose keypoints 3 for -600
Step 7:
choose keypoints 2 for -200
Step 8:
Step 9:
solve question
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12: