Can anyone explain to me the process for making custom surface texture/color to represent a brick face 4.5" x 9" bricks light tan color with lines for brick edges?

This Tutorial is made with Inventor 2012 pro. The same steps apply with Inventor 2011. I am not sure about earlier versions.
Step 1:
We need to save our image in .bmp (bitmap) format in the sample folder of Inventor. For Windows 7 the default directory is:
C :\ Users \ Public \ Documents \ Autodesk \ Inventor 2012 \ Textures \ surfaces -
Step 2:
Next we open Inventor (if we haven't done so already) and create a new part file or open a part file we already have.
Step 3:
We go to colour styles
Step 4:
we choose "new"
Step 5:
We give a name to our new style
Step 6:
Then we click in the "use texture image" box
Step 7:
A new window appears with images to choose from
If step 1 was made correctly we should be able to find our image in the library. -
Step 8:
We can adjust the scale and the rotation of the texture. We can also select how our style will look if we switch on realistic appearance. To do so click on "Open the material Library" button at the bottom of the window.
Step 9:
Select an image from the library. You can adjust scale and rotation in this case also.
Step 10:
If you are done click "Save" and "Done"
Step 11:
In the drop down menu select the colour style you have created.
Step 12:
And you are ready!
Step 13:
Also a rendered version of our part.