
Parametric Multitasking: Global Parameters in Alilbre!

1 0 Expert
How to use Global Parameters in Alibre!

Exhaust Manifold in ALibre!

1 0 Intermediate
In this video I show how to design an Exhaust Manifold in Alibre based on a drawing that came up in a question in the Alibre Forums. Enjoy!

3D Surface Texture Application in Alibre

1 0 Expert
A cool little trick to get a sculptured surface onto a [art and have it adapt parametrically. It works especially well for prismatic parts.

Modeling Twisted 25 X 25 Square Bar

1 0 Beginner
Modeling a twisted 25mm x 25mm square bar with Alibre Design software. The model is made using lofted sketches, and as this feature tool is common to many software packages, the basic method should work with other software.

JP_011_GrabCAD Print: 「マットかグロス?」3D造形でどのような場合にどちらの仕上げを使用すればよいのか

1 0 Beginner
マット(艶消し)にするか、それともグロッシー(光沢)にするか、それが今回のテーマです。 PolyJetプリンタをお使いの皆さんは、部品をマット仕上げにすべきか、グロッシー仕上げにすべきかで悩むことがよくあります。 皆さんが頭を悩ませるのも無理ありません。それ以外の点はまったく同じの2個の部品でも、仕上げのタイプが異なると、見た目、感触、色、そして強度や耐久性までもががらりと変わってしまう可能性があるのです。どちらの仕上げにもそれぞれ、考慮すべき独自のメリットと影響があります。 このチュートリアルでは、マット仕上げとグロッシー仕上げの概要を説明し、それぞれの長所と短所を比較し、それぞれのタイプがどのような仕上がりにつながるのかを明確に示す例を紹介します。そして最後に、どのような場合にどちらの仕上げを使用すればよいのかを簡単に分類してまとめとします。

GrabCAD Print Pro™ - Per Part Groups For Service Bureaus

1 0 Expert
The premium version of GrabCAD Print™, GrabCAD Print Pro™ is now available! This version includes new & enhanced features. This tutorial will explain per part estimation & assembly grouping!

What is Drawing Intent Recognition option in Bricscad?

0 0 Beginner
Bricscad Platinum provides the ability to edit non-parametric geometry without the need to understand the design history of the geometry. This allows to preserve the correct relationships between selected geometry (e.g., tangency, concentricity, ...) and makes the editing process less time and labor intensive. Design Intent option can be switched on/off and also different recognition options combined at your choice.

How to sweep object in Bricscad?

0 0 Beginner
It is easy to sweep object using XSWEEP command in Bricscad Platinum.

The little triangle that could: Parametric Regular Polygons

0 0 Intermediate
Let us tell you about the "Generator Triangle" method. This educational video unveils a straightforward technique to construct regular polygons using a single variable. Witness triangles seamlessly transform into polygons with adjustable sides. Explore parametric design principles as we dissect the process. With interactive visuals, grasp the method's accessibility for all learners. Ideal for students, artists, and those curious about the synergy of creativity and logic. Join us to demystify theoretical geometry, revealing practical polygon creation through "The Little Triangle That Could." Like, subscribe, and enable notifications for more math-infused insights. https://youtu.be/5pA72p3B7QU