Step 1: Explanation
All steps are in RAR. file.
1. Depends on quantity of RAM of PC adjust iterations and smoothness before export.
2. Also, depends on quantity of RAM, cut half of object before export, to get quicker result.
3. Export OBJ. file with 3ds Max.
4. Start Fusion 360, under INSERT tab, click on Insert Mesh.
5. If necessary, adjust model position.
6. Click Create Form.
7. Under UTILITIES tab, click on Convert.
8. Adjust: Quad Mesh to T-Splines to get new body.
9. Under UTILITIES tab, click on Convert, but this time put: T-Splines to BRep.
10. For better result, activate option Keep Edges, and just select edges.
11. Export like STEP. file for further use.