Good Dimensioning Techniques Using Solidworks?

Good practice sketching and dimensioning.
Step 1:
A sketch for a revolve with all dims added for lengths - ordinate dims used.
Step 2:
It is tempting to use a dimension for the vertical lengths as shown. But is this what you would want in a drawing? Or would you rather use diameter dims?
Step 3:
To add doubled dimensions you need to add a centre line - this is best practice for revolve features anyway.
Step 4:
Using the centre line (not the end point of the line) and the feature you wish to dimension can still be a radius value - place the dimesion on the same side of the centre as the sketch
Step 5:
To add the dimension as a diameter place the dimension on the other side of the centre line, away from the sketch.
Step 6:
On later versions of SW's the diameter dimension is automatic now - just click and place the other diameters. If you want to stop adding diameters press esc once.
Step 7:
Sketch fully defined with ordinates and diameters - perfect if you want to use model items in the engineering drawing, much better than random dimensions and save teh need to divide all diameters by two!
Step 8:
The revolve - not that special but the work done is as your engineering manager would want to see!