How can I draw a laser welded pillow plate ?
Here is a tutorial
Step 1:
First make a sheet metal plate
Step 2:
Create counter sink emboss ( take from design library from forming tools directory for probe)
Step 3:
Create patterns of this feature
Step 4:
Now Use Flexy tool , option bend object - see pic
Step 5:
now make a inner cylder for part-Clnder
Step 6:
SAve this part as clynder (save as ) and in current part use delete body for clynder. In clynder part you will delete body of perforated plate.
NOTE - Flex tool is very demandig for memory resources!! -
Step 7:
Now we make a assembly of these components
Step 8:
Step 9:
And now some cut to see how is these components settled
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
Step 13:
In finished assembly you see a differences for plate.
I hope that this tutorial will help.
All is made in Solidworks 2007 -
Step 14: