How to 3D print with Digital ABS

Step 1:
Cleaning Printer Components
Micro-cracks adversely affect the mechanical properties of printed parts. To
avoid micro-cracks:• Run the Head Cleaning Wizard and the Wiper Cleaning Wizard after a
print job has completed.NOTE: If the Head Cleaning Wizard is not run for 33 hours of printing, the
wizard automatically opens when starting or resuming printing. If this occurs
when a print job is interrupted, cancel the wizard to resume printing. (Run
the Head Cleaning Wizard after the print job is completed.)After every 15 minutes of printing, several sequences of purge are
automatically performed.You cannot cancel the Head Cleaning Wizard to resume printing if head
cleaning has not been performed for 99 hours. -
Step 2:
Preparing Trays for Printing
The arrangement of the parts on the build tray affects the quality of the
printed parts.• If surface matching is required, place all matching surfaces face up.
• Internal stress may cause parts to curve upward and detach from the tray.To reduce this possibility:
- When printing parts that have a high aspect ratio (X:Y), position the
longer edge along the Y-axis (see Figure 3).
- Use full trays when printing. -
Step 3:
Drying Parts
Parts printed with Digital ABS may require longer time to dry than parts printed with Vero materials.
To dry parts thoroughly:
• Place them on a dry surface or on a drying rack.
• To avoid deformation, orientate the parts so that there is minimal strain on
thin walls (see Figure 4).
• Allow the parts to dry overnight. -
Step 4:
Thermal Treatment
Thermal treatment of Digital ABS and Digital ABS2 parts in a programmable
oven improves their heat resistance.NOTE: The actual thermal resistance depends on the part’s geometry.
Special Instructions:
To avoid distortion during the thermal post-process procedure:
• Parts with thin walls and overhangs must be properly supported before
placing them in the oven.
• Consider the best placement for the printed part inside the programmable
• Place the part on a flat surface in the oven and not directly on the oven
rack. The rack may exert forces on the model. -
Step 5:
Procedures A and B, below, are suitable for all part geometries. They differ in
the duration and expected HDT.HDT test method: ASTM D 648-06, HDT at 0.45 MPa
Step 6:
Procedure A
• Desired HDT: 90 °C (194 °F).
• Time in oven: approximately seven hours (including cooling time).Step 1: Clean the part and remove the support material.
Step 2: Place the part in a programmable oven at room temperature (see
specification below).Step 3: Set the ramp-up rate to 1 °C (1.8 °F) per minute.
Step 4: Increase the temperature to 60 °C (140 °F).
Step 5: Turn on the oven. The oven temperature reaches 60 °C (140 °F)
after approximately 35 minutes.Step 6: Maintain the temperature at 60 °C (140 °F) for two hours. Increase
the temperature to 70 °C (158 °F). The oven temperature reaches 70 °C (158 °F) after approximately 10 minutes.Step 7: Increase temperature to 80 °C (176 °F) and maintain for one hour.
Step 8: Cool in oven.
Step 9: When the oven temperature is below 35 °C (95 °F), you can remove
the part from the oven.CAUTION: Always wear oven gloves when handling hot parts.
Step 7:
3.1 Programmable Oven
Recommended Specifications
Step 8:
Recommended Oven Manufacturers and Models
The following oven manufacturers and models are recommended by Stratasys
and are available worldwide.NOTE: Other manufacturers and oven models may be suitable if they meet
the specifications listed.