How to assemble separate components of a 3D model in virtual reality using SimLab Composer?
Description: In this tutorial we will teach you how assemble separate parts of a three-dimensional model using the virtual reality VR docking tool of SimLab composer. To do so, we are using a 3D model of a table, with two versions: version A, assembled model, and version B, disassembled components (which are in this tutorial the table parts).
Step 1: Export The Model From Your 3D Design Software.
* Export the two versions from your 3d design software. For example, in Autodesk 3ds max that we used to design the model, we select export from file --> export, then a list of the available formats to export from 3ds max appears.
Note: You can find the formats supported by Simlab Composer in the screenshot below.
Step 2: Open SimLab Composer And Import The Model
* Open SimLab Composer and create a 2d ground. You can also open a recent file of yours, or simply create an empty scene.
* Import the model format to SimLab Composer, drag and drop the supported file format is possible here.
Step 3:
* Now we have both versions of the model imported to the composer. Drag and drop the material (from the lower-left side of the screen) to version A (assembled table), and make “alpha” equal to zero.
* Select (Scene Building) from Rebon, then (Virtual Reality)
Step 4: Make Douk and Target
* Select (Make Douk and Target) from (Action), you get this message (select douk node) that mean: select the place where you want to put the first part into (version A, assembled table), then click ok.
* The following message appears: (select target node). It means: select the first part from version B, that fits into the part selected in step 6. Then click ok.
* New message appears: (configure object......). Now you can start moving the component from version A to its new position. You can use move, rotate, snap to ground, and/or snap to obj. When you are done, click ok.
* Now the new position for the first component is saved. Repeat the step4 for the remaining parts.
Step 5: Order The Components
* Now, the pieces should be assembled in the installation order. For example, the drawers cannot be installed before installing their holder first. Select (Manage Assembly Process) from (Action). We will order the components by the numbers shown in the following screenshot.
Step 6: Manage Assembly process
* In (Manage Assembly process) screen, select the part that we want to move first from (version B) then press the ‘+’ icon to add it, the object001 must appear in the window.
* To add the second component, select (second object) then press on the first object in (Manage Assembly process) window, then click the ‘+’ icon. It will appear under the first object.
Note: If object002 appears inside object001, this means that both objects can move in first order at the same time, but we do not want this.
* To solve this, select object002 then click – (Change Parent), then click on object001.
* Now Object002 will go down to its correct position under object001.
* Repeat the step 6 for all the remaining parts.
Step 7: VR Viewer
* To test the scene, click (Start Position), then click on the ground to start VR viewer from there.
* Click on (Desktop Mode) from (launch viewer) to start. If you already have a HTC VIVE you can select (VR Mode).
* In desktop viewer, press H to be able to grab objects. You can see that object001 is now green, this means it is the first object that you can grab.
* Put the mouse pointer over object001, then press hold right-click to grab it.
* You can now see the new place of object001 in blue color. Drop object001 there.
* Now the object001 in new position.
Step 8: Export Your Scene to ShowRoom
* Finally, you can export your scene to showroom, where it can be shared with public, to get likes and feedback from your followers.
Step 9: The Tutorial in video