How To Clear Coat Polyjet 3D Prints

Follow these steps and tips to quickly and easily Post Process your prints for a high quality finish
Step 1: Model Prep
- Ensure that your model is fully clean and clear of and support material residue. Click here for our series of tutorials on support removal
- It is highly reccomeneded to prepare the surface of the model by hand sanding or using a sandblast process. For more detaild information on sandblasting click here
- Ensure that your model is dry and grease / oil free free (wipe down with an alcohol soaked rag if nesscesary)
Waterjet support removal systems
Step 2: Required Materials
- Clear varnish spray can
- Work gloves
- Respirator mask
- Drop cloths or old newspapers
- Cardboard box or spray booth
- Sandpaper (optional)
- Clean rags
- Spray booth with extractor
Step 3: Spraying
- Wear protective gear. Put on gloves and a respirator mask to protect yourself from the fumes of the varnish.
- Cover your work area. Lay down drop cloths or old newspapers to protect your work surface from overspray.
- Place your object in a well-ventilated area. If indoors use a spray booth.
Shaking the can:
- Shake the can vigorously for at least one minute. This will ensure that the varnish is evenly mixed.
- Continue shaking the can periodically while you are spraying.
Testing the spray:
- Hold the can about 20cm (8inches) away from a piece of scrap material.
- Spray a light test coat. This will help you to get a feel for the spray pattern and how much varnish is being dispensed.
Applying the varnish:
- Hold the can about 20cm (8inches) away from the object you are varnishing.
- Start spraying to the side of your object
- move the spray can over the object is slow measured sweeps from side to side
- Spray a light, even coat.
- Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying a second coat (Wait at least 15min).
Sanding (optional):
- In some cases it may be required to sand between coats of varnish.
- Use fine-grit sandpaper and sand lightly.
- wash off the sanding residue before applying the next coat of varnish.
- Typically 2 or 3 coars are required to acheave a uniform finish.
- Allow the final coat of varnish to dry completely before handling the object, as per the instuctions on the can.
- This may take several hours.
Step 4: Results:
Step 5: Additional Tips
- Spray in a well-ventilated area. The fumes from varnish can be harmful.
- Do not spray near open flames or sparks. Varnish is flammable.
- Wear gloves and a respirator mask to protect yourself from the fumes.
- Do not spray on your skin or clothes.
- Clean up any spills immediately.
- Dispose of used cans and rags properly.
- Multiple thin colats will produce better resultes than fewer thick coats