How to convert CAD files in Workbench
How to convert file formats, such as sldprt and sldasm files, to STEP, IGES, STL, Parasolid (.x_t), ACIS (.sat), JT, or VRML (.wrl)
Step 1: Create a Workbench account
Grabcad gives very detailed instructions in creating an account. Just select "Workbench" from the pull down at the top left corner of your screen to get started!
Step 2: Upload you file into Workbench
This can be done by dragging and dropping your file into workbench, or by clicking the "Upload" button on the right side of the menu options
After you start uploading your file, this menu will pop up.
Make you sure you click "Done". If you don't, your file won't finish uploading to Workbench completely.
You can also manage you Workbench files by downloading the desktop app!
Step 3: Download as...
Right click on the file you just uploaded and click on "download as..."
You have the option to download as a STEP, IGES, STL, Parasolid, ACIS, JT, or VRML file.
Note: STL files can only be converted to VRML (.wrl) format
Step 4: Recieve new file
When the file is done being converted a pop up will appear saying your file is ready for download. You can download it directly by clicking "download file" and you also receive an email with a download link for the new file ready to download so you can easily download it at a later date without having to reconvert it!