How to create a custom Dimension Style

Here's the tutorial...
Step 1:
First you’ll need to click on the Dimension and choose Dimension Style from the menu.
Step 2:
When the Dimension Style Manager dialog box is open, click on the New button to display the Create New Dimension Style dialog box.
Step 3:
Type a Style Name in the text box (for example: New Dimension Style ) , choose a dimension type from the drop down list and click on the Continue button.
As an option, you can check the Annotative Check Box to make the new dimension style annotative. -
Step 4:
On the Lines Tab you can set the options for Dimension lines (color, linetype, lineweight, etc.) and for Extension lines.
Step 5:
On the Symbols and Arrows Tab you can choose the Arrow Heads, set the Arrow size and setting other few fields.
Step 6:
On the Text Tab, you can set the Text appearance (text color, fill color, text height, etc.), the Text placement (settings for vertical and horizontal placement) and the Text alignment.
Step 7:
On the Fit Tab you can choose an option from the radio buttons list and set an option for the Text placement.
Step 8:
On the Primary Units Tab you can set the units for Linear dimensions (unit format, precision, scale factor, etc.) and for Angular dimensions.
Step 9:
On the Alternate Units Tab you can set the options for Alternate units (unit format, precision, etc.) and the Placement.
Step 10:
On the Tolerances Tab you can set the Tolerance format (method, precision, etc.) and the Alternate unit tolerance.
Step 11:
And here’s the result after a new dimension style was created!