How to make twisted bar

It is not obvious to create twisted bar in SpaceClaim, e.g. for welded grating.
I hope this lifehack will help You to make it in different cad programs.

Как скрутить пруток в SpaceClaim, например для решетчатого настила.
Подозреваю, что этот способ можно применять и в других программах.

  1. Step 1: Cross section

    Create new cross section (e.g. 6x6 mm)

    Divide it half into 2 equal parts

    You'll get 2 surfaces

  2. Step 2: Axis

    Create axis from the center of cross section

  3. Step 3: Pull first part

    Select one of surfaces.

    Select "pull" in "edit", select revolve.

    Select revolve helix in revolve options.

    Choose pitch (e.g.100 mm) and height (not necessary, in this case 300 mm).


  4. Step 4: Pull second part

    Repeat step 3 for other surface

  5. Step 5: Change of length

    Move or pull faces for align the ends

    Move or pull faces to get needed length of twisted bar

  6. Step 6: Enjoy

    Delete parasit faces and line
