how to model a mesh in solidworks

natives files are added including step
Step 1:
1.hello every one this is my first take on solidworks tutorial to be honest i'vent been much of a user sure i was using here and there...having siad that let's get down to some "men at work"ish up solidworks enter part design and create a sketch on the front plane
Step 2:
2.under surfaces tab extrude the profile
Step 3:
3.thicken the surface don't ask me how it's kids stuff
Step 4: hide that part select top plane create a square with that center option or what ever i'm sorry i have a bad memory
Step 5:
5.exrude it and make sure to uncheck merge result
Step 6:
6.use shell feature
Step 7: the highlighted surface and make a sketch
Step 8:
8.make a square
Step 9:
9.make all the edges of the square co linear with the inner edge
Step 10: make that as construction geometry
Step 11: draw a line using line command
Step 12:
12.use linear pattern as shown
Step 13: the same for the other end
Step 14:
14.repeat step 12 and 13 but the other way i mean make a line on the other diagonal and then repeat step 12 and 13 yeah i know i've should've shown that now don't make a federal case it was a honest mistake for god sake
Step 15:
15.use rib feature make the necessary selections in the tab
Step 16:
16.should look like this if not go figure
Step 17:
17.unhide the first part and select both features and use combine
Step 18:
18.i'm not saying anything
cheers guys hope it was useful and i'm sorry if i was being presumptious