How to use Swept Boss/Base Feature - SolidWorks Tutorial

In this tutorial you will create swept part using Swept Boss/Base tool.
1.Click New. Click Part,OK.
2.Click Top Plane and click on Sketch.
3.Click Circle and sketch a circle origin as it center. Click Smart Dimension, dimension sketched circle diameter as your wish if you want
4.Exit Sketch.
5.Take a plane normal to spline end (or Click on Front Plane and click Sketch.)
6.Click on View Orientation-Normal To.
7.Zoom out the sketch, click on Spline and sketch a curve as sketched below.
8.Exit Sketch.
9.Click View Orientation--Isometric.
10. Click Features-Swept Boss/Base. For swept profile select Sketch1 (circle) and for path click on Sketch2 (curve).

and . Done!

  1. Step 1: Swept Boss
