Minimalist Wall Mounts
Hello! im Álvaro Fernández, an artist by heart and a engineer by trade.
Im from Concón, a quiet beach city in Chile.
In this tutorial Im going to teach you how I make the minimalist stl file I post on this site. Its a begginer tutorial, I encourage to all to try it! you can acomplish it.
I use:
A pencil.
Rhinoceros 6
Step 1: Draw
First step is to chose what you want to draw.
For this tutorial, we will chose a flower, a native flower from my country called "Dedal de Oro"
Draw the image and then upload to a computer. I took a photo but you can also scan it , draw it on paint or procrearte, photoshop, illustrator, etc.
Step 2: Rhinoceros and first command
We will use Rhinoceros 6 in order to create the stl.
Rhinoceros is a software tool for 3d modeling that is based in something called NURBS. this is the tool I have, but there is a lot of ways of also creating this same exact tipes of wallmounts with a diverse variety of software available on the internet.
That being said, the build order for rhino6:
First command: Picture
With this command you can chose the image you drew and uploaded it to Rhino.
Step 3: Second Command
*TIP To draw more complex things, its good to separate. I put the image in the layer 1 and then switch to the layer 2 here is where you trace the draw.
Second Command: control point curve
This is the most important step. You use this coimand and the mouse to trace the draw you uploaded. The idea behind this is creating a pattern that is continuous. this is made by creating an outside perimeter and then small islands. This will be further explained later.
Every time you click, a small white dot aprears. When you finish, you can start moving the points and kind of re-drew in order to make the initial rough draw into a more polished design.
This is the step where you edit your draw if it turns out its not very viable to be printed or laser cutted. Sometimes you want to print the design and realize, for example, that you drew one line a little shorter than Xmm and now your slicer setting glitch the design and your printing fails the first layer.
You fix some of those kind of issues comming back to this step.
The idea is to create a line draw with a kind of even wide of your chosing. You need to trace the image in order to create a solid stencil piece.
Notice how the edge of the draw is one continous line and the details are made by drawing "island shapes" inside the outside perimeter. (perimeter marked in teal , one example of a island shape marked in blue, rest of islands mark in red)
You can see how, if you colored this with a pencil inside the perimeter and outside the blobs you would have a continuos shape, it can be filled or teselated, this is how you can check if it will work, if you fill this and the entire background gets colored, you do not have a stencil and it might not work.
Sometimes you will notice that you drew a stencil and when you printed it was weak, like the line is barely holding together.
Take this as an example, this is the first model of the model wine woman ( )
You can tell that the whole draw is held together only in the purple circle, those 2 unions are what is holding the side of the hair with the side of the face and arm, this design is very fragile.
Using the command Polyline, control point curve and trim you can add bridges to your original draw to make the stencil more solid.
Now, after adding a few lines, the model is held together by more than 2 different bridges.
you can see the lines that were added by comparing initial red draft with the black draw we will use in the next step.
Step 4: Third Command
Here you can see the third comand, planarsrf green behind the purple and notice the edited draw. it has more places to hold and some lines are thicker.
CLOSE PARENTHESIS and back to the flower.
Third Command: Planarsrf
A planar surface should be the entire draw colored. It looks like this:
Then, you go to the perspective view and click the planar surface, with the gumball, you give it the 3rd dimension by pressing the blue button and putting a numeric value in the box. I sometimes use 1 or 2 cm and it works perfectly for printing and mounting in the wall.
This creates a volume that looks like this
Step 5: Final Step
Command: Export.
You grab your solid and now export it as STL
Then to a slicer and:
Happy Printing!