Parametric Design in CATIA V5
Hi guys,
I've just launched a new course on PARAMETRIC DESIGN in CATIA.
I know lots of you looking for a complete tutor on this subject for a long time.
Here is the link to my course:
It's comprehensive course with multiple examples so if you are interested just give it a try.
Step 1: Some Essential Setups (Important)
Select these options
Step 2: Creating Parameters
First you should create your considering parameters
follow these marks
Step 3: creating parameters
First you should create your considering parameters
follow these marks
Step 4: Creating Model
create your model
Step 5: Edit formula
In this step you should create a connection between the length you want to control and the parameter you created before. ( this parameter must be length. )
follow these marks
as you can see when you create this connection their will be a <<<F(x)>>> sign cross the dimensions.
Step 6: complete your design
Step 7: Edit formula
As you can see in this step we create a new formula based on other parameter
Step 8: complete your design
Step 9: Edit formula
Follow the exact same steps to create a connection between the number of holes in this part and the parameter which we crated before. ( this parameter must be integer .)
Step 10: Creating Design Table
In this step we want to create a connection between our model in catia and a exel table.
Step 11: Creating Design Table
Step 12: Creating Design Table
In this section you can choose between Various tapes of parameters to join with exel table.
Step 13: Creating Design Table
In this table you can change features or create new parts
Step 14: Creating Design Table
As you can see all of those changes will be appeared immediately
Step 15: Creating Design Table
Step 16: Creating Design Table
you can change all of parameters in this table any time.
Step 17: Some Examples
you can find a very good example of parametric design in my account.