Ship propeller blade in Catia (surface design)
all the steps are made with random dimensions which well be useful and easy to learn surface modeling in catia and the benefits of surface can also be identified.
Step 1: Surface tool.
Select or enter it into Wireframe and Surface design.
Step 2: Base hub shetch
Create a circle of 100mm diameter.
Step 3: Extrude
extrude the circle with 25mm with mirrored extent.
Step 4: Point
Create a point on the curve which can be used as a reference to create helix.
Step 5: Axis
Create an axis which is used as a reference to revolve with certain pitch the sketch in helix.
Step 6: Helix
Select the point and the axis for the generation of helix.
Set the pitch and revolution as shown above.
Step 7: Reference blade
Create another circle with diameter of 400mm which is used as a reference and extrude for 70mm.
Step 8: Blade sketch
Create or project the profile on to the extruded surface.
Create two lines closing the loop into a closed sketch.
Fill up the sketch with surface by selecting all the lines individually.
Step 9: Blade profile
Sketch out a profile by taking the reference plane at certain distance parallel to filled surface of the filled surface. Extrude the profile and then split the surface by with reference of the extruded surface profile and removing the external surface.
Step 10: Blade profile thickness.
Enter or switch to Part Design.
Apply some thickness by using thicken option.
Apply circular pattern and the by applying fillets to end of the blade edges we can generate the propeller blade.