
3D Modeling of a Braitenberg Vehicle in 4 Steps using Autodesk 123D Design

2 0 Intermediate
This tutorial is suitable for designers who have a basic knowledge of using the open source product Autodesk 123D Design. The steps to build a Breitenberg vehicle are as follows: 1. Modeling a wheel: a cylinder with a diameter of 2 cm and a height of 0.5 cm is placed in the workspace. Drill a hole in it by drawing a circle with a diameter of 0.3 cm and extruding - 0.5 cm with the Extrude tool. We soften the edges of the cylinder with Fillet Radius: 0.5. 2. Clone the wheel: rotate the resulting wheel 90° along the Z axis and copy it with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. 3. Modeling the vehicle body: regarding the design of the vehicle body, there are various options. In this case the author models a classic vehicle, which is most often shown in the bibliographic sources. After drawing and extruding a surface with the desired shape we apply Fillet with radius 35 on the back edge and with 30 on the front edge for a contemporary design (i could provide more images if it is needed). On the selected side edges we successively apply Fillet with a radius of 9. 4. Make a special place for the sensor: it is necessary to select the square plane that is located in the middle of the case and successively apply Sketch > Project, Sketch > Offset and Construct > Extrude with a negative value.


0 0 Expert
Vx² is a corrected version. Let's imagine that the coverings are connected separately on each of our internal layers. Externally, secondary coils will be able to impact the frequency on the connected ionic output filaments. Let's imagine a small muscle capable of compressing a large pressure density of air, gas, liquid, etc. A high dynamic superior to its scale by the intensities.