Solidworks Sheetmetal Basics-Solidworks Sheetmetal flatten-Export Solidworks to Autocad DXF-CADable

In this tutorial, We will learn solidworks sheetmetal basics. We will flatten sheetmetal in solidworks and we will be exporting our file to autocad for machining in .dxf format. Here, we will learn the following commands:
1) Miter Flange
2) Edge Flange
3) Hem
4) Sheetmetal Gusset
5) Sheetmetal Cutout
6) 3D Mirror
7) Appearance
It is a good sheetmetal exercise for beginners and it will be a good practice for beginners. Kindly use play pause technique for practice. I have attached files in the description for practice. Feel free to ask your queries in comment section. I will try to answer each and every question. Keep practicing as practice makes a man perfect.
#solidworkssheetmetalbasics #sheetmetalflattensolidworks #exportsolidworkstoautocad #CADable #solidworksmiterflange #solidworkssheetmetaltutorials
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Sheetmetal Exercise
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Step 1: