Tutorial - Analysis of Circular beam under UDL in SolidWorks?

Here is the tutorial.
Step 1:
Right plane >> Sketch.
Step 2:
Draw a circle of 50mm diameter.
Step 3:
Extrude it by 500mm.
Step 4:
Right click Material and select alloy steel.
Step 5:
Now go to Simulation tab and select New study under study advisor.
Step 6:
Keep the default settings and click OK.
Step 7:
Click Fixture advisor and Select fixed geometry.
Step 8:
Select the right back face as the fixed face.
Step 9:
Make the Top plane visible.
Step 10:
Select Force under External Loads Advisor.
Step 11:
Select the face and the top plane as the selected direction. Under force tab enable Z and input a value of 10000N with reverse direction.
Step 12:
Now our model is prepared for analysis.
Step 13:
Click Run to start the solver.
Step 14:
Now we have the stress distribution and the whole study analysis.
Step 15:
For displacement distribution click Displacement1.