Tutorial : Creating Rack and Pinion Motion in CATIA

Here is how Rack and Pinion Mechanism can be created in CATIA
Step 1:
Open Create_Rack2.CATProduct document.
Step 2:
Click the Rack Joint icon in the Kinematics Joints toolbar or select Insert -> New Joint ->Rack... from the Menu bar.
Step 3:
Select Prismatic.2 in the specification tree.
Step 4:
Select Revolute.1 in the specification tree.
Step 5:
Assign a command, for instance select Angle driven for revolute check box.
Step 6:
Click Ok to end the rack joint creation.The rack joint is created and identified in the specification tree.
Your mechanism can be simulated, a message is displayed. -
Step 7:
Double-click Mechanism.1 to launch the simulation with commands functionality.
Step 8:
let's modify the ratio.
Double-click Rack.3 in the specification tree -
Step 9:
Click the Define button.
The Rack Ratio Definition dialog box appears: -
Step 10:
Select a circle in the geometry area. The ratio is automatically calculated.
Step 11:
The ratio is automatically calculated.
Step 12:
Click ok. Your Mechanism can be simulated.