Tutorial: how to create a aerofoil blade in solidworks (used in drones/helicopters/turbines etc)
airfoil is Nasa/langley hsnlf(1)-0213
Step 1:
create a new plane..., name it Tip
Step 2:
create a new plane..., name it Root
Step 3:
create a new plane..., name it Connector
Step 4:
create airfoil shape in right plane, with AOA of 8 degrees
Step 5:
create airfoil shape in Tip plane, with AOA of -6 degrees
Step 6:
create airfoil shape in Root plane, with AOA of 0 degrees
Step 7:
create circle in Connector plane,
Step 8:
use loft...
Step 9:
add fillets
Step 10:
add more fillets
Step 11:
final shape...