Tutorial: How to quickly add motion dynamics to any CAD model in SpaceClaim
Tutorial below
Step 1:
Video tutorial here: http://youtu.be/fyBtWQzoKu8
Activate the plugin.
- Import the model
- Press "Activate" in the Ribbon Menu -
Step 2:
Split the model in to separate parts.
- Rightclick on the one Rigid Body in the Simulation Structure and press "Split"
Step 3:
Automatically detect joints in the model.
- Press the "Detect Joints" in the Ribbon Menu
Step 4:
Make the detected joints into Hinges.
- Select all detected joints in the Detect Joints options tab
- Left click on the Hinge icon in the design view -
Step 5:
Add a motor to the drill.
- Using the Selection tool (s), select the hinge you wish to add a motor to
- In the properties tab, set "Enable motor" to true and a desired speed, e.g., 180deg/s -
Step 6:
Stop the drill from falling down.
- Right click on the Rigid Body named "Frame" in the Simulation Structure
- Set "Select Motion Control" to "Static" -
Step 7:
Simulate and have a coffee =)
- Press "Simulate" in the Ribbon Menu
- Have a cup of coffee
- (Optional) If you have Keyshot installed you can with one click export your simulation and render a photorealistic animation of your simulation.