Water Bottle w/ Ornaments

Group challenge to model this water bottle, which has a typical shape.
You can download the 3d model here: Water Bottle

  1. Step 1: Preliminary Data...

  2. Step 2: Main Body of Bottle

    Here we can see the use of the Wrap command...

    The main purpose oth this technique is to get an ondulated surface that will serve to trim the main bottle body, and to create the wave detail in the middle.

    Yes, you can use other way, but this is a precise one.

  3. Step 3: More on Wrap cmd and Ornament...

    You can practice this technique aside, as we show here...

    The goal, as we said before, is to get the wavy surface shown at the end

  4. Step 4: Surfacing the waved zone

  5. Step 5: Modeling the grooves on the Bottom

  6. Step 6: Modeling the Grooves on the Upper Zone

  7. Step 7: Cont...

  8. Step 8: Final Stages...

  9. Step 9: Some Advises

    Also you can prepare your ambient for rendering. New versions of SolidWorks bring very powerful added tools for rendering, but even so, with older versions, excellent results can be achieved with some tricks.

    This was a practices model, and it look nice.

  10. Step 10: Final Words.

    We hope this tutorial has helped you learn new modeling techniques.

    Please, download the 3d model from our page in Grabcad.

    Glad to help.

    See you soon.
