
How to draw a vase in catia ?

0 3 Intermediate
The design of a vase drawing in the catia v5 program was carried out as follows.


0 0 Intermediate
The product tree structure can be seen directly in the web browser using ENOVIA 3DEXPERIENCE. The application has the ability to visualize also the data in a separate window and to export the structure in a CSV file. If you need a small adjustment, you can create also a macro like in the video to see separate the level like in a CATIA tree. Images from IAR80 project.

[VIDEO]Custom Attributes and BOM Drawing - CATIA & ENOVIA R19x

1 0 Beginner
Hello all, In this new tutorial you will learn how to create custom attributes to your 3DExperience Platform and you will see how to create a Bill of Material in a drawing. To create a new attribute you need to have administrator rights. When logged on web interface, you can open the Collaborative Spaces Control app (North Quadrant of compass). There click on attributes management and select Physical Product. You can add extra attributes to your 3DExperience rich client. When this is done, you can create a part and fill in the new custom attributes. You can reach these new attributes in the Bill of Material feature in Drafting application. When creating the "default BOM" you need to replace the attributes by the custom attributes you just created. *** To reuse this new BOM as a template, you need to log on rich client on the Default Collaborative Space as Admin. Clicking on your icon, you can modify the standards of your Platform - Before doing it, it is highly recommended to copy the ISO file and make a new one like "PLM_ISO.xml" (C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\CATCollectionStandard\drafting) - Then go to Drafting/Styles/BOM and you will be able to modify the reported properties.

How to create a linked BOM and balloons in a CATIA drawing

9 0 Intermediate
We can do an assembly drawing with a Bill of Material explaining to the manufacturer important info about each part. Also, we can number the parts with balloons, so that it can be easy to find and identify them. It will be explained all the necessary steps in Assembly Design and Drafting module.