
Cad Software Market Share

0 0 Beginner
Cad Software Market Share "أكثر برامج CAD استخدامًا ومبيعًا خلال العشر سنوات الماضية." https://youtu.be/LYjXwkkgDQY -- اختيار برنامج التصميم الميكانيكى( CAD) https://youtu.be/acVTUpXlpN0 -- كيفية اختيار برنامج السيموليشن│CAE Simulation│ https://youtu.be/t8_TyviOnAw -- اختيار برنامج برمجة الماكينات (CAM ) https://youtu.be/4bWufglqBIE -- CAD CAM CAE يعني ايه https://youtu.be/nXbAf3zb-VY

Autodesk TinkerCAD Basics

1 1 Expert
Hello my name is Vijay and I am a designer in TinkerCAD. This tutorial is to learn the basics of TinkerCAD from Noob to proffesional.You can also ask any questions regarding in the designing of TinkerCAD.

Mechanical Crankshaft

0 0 Beginner
The crankshaft is the foundation of the internal combustion engine. The crankshaft is in responsibility of the engine's functioning properly and translating linear motion to rotational motion. To ensure a lengthy service life, crankshafts should have extremely high fatigue strength and wear resistance.

How to quickly create great CAD models from Laser-Scan Data

0 0 Beginner
This quick video tutorial may be helpful to those who are considering investing in laser scan equipment to save time on CAD modelling. Investing in a terrestrial laser scanner was one of my best business decisions. I use Solid Edge and import the laser scan point clouds into an assembly. I model the assembly parts such as tanks and platforms directly from the point cloud. The time saved on site is immeasurable and with billions of points, nothing is missed and there is no need to return to site. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me. https://youtu.be/g27wBGy95Tw?feature=shared