
Pulley Tensioner 2, Fusion 360, animation

9 0 Expert
another Pulley Tensioner disassembly using Fusion 360 Animation

Globe Valve dis-assembly, Fusion 360

1 0 Expert
Globe Valve dis-assemby using Fusion 360

Lathe Tool post disassembly, Fusion 360, Animation

1 0 Expert
Lathe Machine tool post disassembly using Fusion 360 Animation

Design Calculations for Hydraulic & Pneumatic System

1 0 Expert
Most of the time mechanical engineers need to design Hydraulic & Pneumatic systems for their Machines & Fixtures. In this tutorial I will explain in details how to design these systems with all related calculation. Below is a video tutorial in which you will learn how to make Hydraulic & Pneumatic System for Machines & Fixtures, Design Calculations for Hydraulic & Pneumatic- Watch video here-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja4jQqSSQRc&feature=youtu.be

Learning Autodesk Fusion 360 in Arabic - 21

0 0 Expert
https://youtu.be/SCw1qArVsmQ تحقيق غاية التصميم، نموذج لتصميم نظام تعليق السيارة المستقل - الجزء الثاني Achieving Design Intent, a sample of car independent suspension design - Part 2 شرح لعملية التصميم من الفكرة الى تحقيق الغاية واخيرا الى التصميم المجسم، النموذج المصمم هو نظام تعليق مستقل لسيارة او عربة بمبدأ دبل وشبون Explanation for the design process from idea to design intent until the final 3D concept The designed sample is a vehicle independent suspension with double wish-bone