
Part 1: A Look at Color Proofing

10 0 Beginner
This tutorial gives some background on color proofing and explains what to do when the color you print doesn't match the color you chose on screen. There will be future tutorials that expand on the topics mentioned here.

[EPS 04] Cara membuat Etiket Gambar Teknik | Autodesk Inventor

3 0 Beginner
Cara membuat Etiket Gambar Teknik dengan Autodeks Inventor

Using Sketch in Inventor Assembly Parts.

1 0 Beginner
1. Create a sketch from the assembly parts. 2. Build new parts by referring to sketches.

Autodesk Inventor Tutorial Adding colour

0 0 Beginner

Inventor Delete Constraints.

0 1 Beginner
Inventor Delete Constraints.

Socket Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack's Socket Drawing Tutorial

Pin 4 (136 mm) Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack's Pin 4 Drawing Tutorial

Castor Nuts Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack's Castor Nuts Drawing Tutorial

Leveling Arm Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack Leveling Arm Drawing

Hydraulic Floor Jack Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack Drawing

Front Wheel Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack's Front Wheel Drawing Tutorial

Pin Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack's Pin Drawing Tutorial

Carry Handle Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack Carry Handle Drawing

Template de folha no Autodesk Inventor 2023

0 0 Beginner
Neste tutorial Inventor vou te ensinar como criar o seu template de folha no autodesk inventor 2023. Estou trabalhando de acordo com a norma ABNT NBR 16752:2020 (Requisitos para apresentação em folhas de desenho). Utilizamos muito essa função para determinarmos um modelo de folha pra a nossa empresa, escola e/ou projeto. E nada melhor do que começar aprendendo a deixar tudo conforme a sua necessidade. 🟩 Curso Fundamentos do Inventor: https://herickchagas.com.br/pocket-inventor 🟩 Curso Fusion 360: https://herickchagas.com.br/curso-fusion-360

Lifting Arm Drawing

0 0 Beginner
Hydraulic Floor Jack Lifting Arm Drawing